Agencija za izdavanje i prodaju knjiga KNJIGOLJUBAC osnovana je 2015. godine u Brčkom.
KNJIGOLJUBAC u saradnji sa IK ZALIHICA iz Sarajeva nastavlja promoviranje domaće knjige i domaćih autora. Izdavačka djelatnost odlikuje se profesionalnim i inovativnim pristupom kako temama, žanrovima i autorima, tako i načinu prezentacije i komunikacije s ljubiteljima dobre knjige.
U knjižari KNJIGOLJUBAC na Trgu mladih 15, u centru Brčkog, smiještena je redakcija izdavačke kuće.
Od 2015. godine Agencija za izdavanje i prodaju knjiga KNJIGOLJUBAC suorganizator je OKTOBARSKOG SALONA KNJIGA u Sarajevu.
KNJIGOLJUBAC is founded in 2015. year. Today, Knjigoljubac is a respected publisher and promoter of the written word in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
In libraries, NEW BOOK (window), after the word (poetry), look inside (fiction) A special (esoteric, science, arts) published the works of our best writers.
The library of world literature published translated works of the importants world writers.
Published in the library of books and manuals are intended for fans of the academic literature, such as those from the fields of mathematics, economics, pedagogy, education, linguistics, philosophy.
Library LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN published works for children and teenagers, following the trends in this area both in the field of design and illustration as well as in terms of stylistic variations.
BALKAN Library publishes the most significant writers of the South Slav-speaking world.
There are also editions MONOGRAPH, journalism, SCIENCE …
Thanks to the efficiency, agility, good selection of the editorial team, many of our publications have won significant awards and recognition, and some projects initiated by a fairer valuation of creative and društenog involvement of individual authors and their works.
KNJIGOLJUBAC trying to be more than a publisher, to become a sort of cultural center in which to bring together authors, scholars, translators, illustrators, artists, cultural workers.
Trg mladih 15
76120 Brčko distrikt BiH
Bosnia and Herzegovina
E-mail: zalihica@gmail.com
Web: www.knjioljubac.ba
Mob: 00387 61 019 361
00387 65 592 248